Timelapse Tokyo: Portrait of a City [Weekend Watch]

March 5th, 2011

A time-lapse video portrait of life in Tokyo, a quintessential 24 hour city.

From UrbanTick:

In ‘Totally Tokyo’ Will Armitage has done exactly this and filled his camera with images on the way. THe result is this great time-lapse, a never-ending flood of people, building, roads and lights, infrastructure everywhere. A short personal portrait of a city that never sleeps in a far away land.

From Vimeo:

At the end of a recent trip to Japan (see my other videos) I had three days in Tokyo which I spent wandering around, taking the city in and taking thousands of photos in the hope of putting together some good timelapse sequences. This is the result and I’m quite pleased with it. Hope you enjoy it too.