May’s Top Posts

June 1st, 2011

Here are my top posts in order of unique page views from May 2011. Overall, I had 1,828 visitors and 7,819 pageviews. Like April, this is a bit down from other months as I have been getting settled in Vancouver and have not able to post as often.

  1. Calvin and Hobbes on City Planning
  2. My Visual Résumé
  3. Urban Fabric: The Form of Cities
  4. How to Date an Urban Planner
  5. 9 Urbanism Fails
  6. A Brief History of Urbanism in North America: 1800s
  7. A Brief History of Urbanism in North America: 1700s
  8. 5 of the Best Urban Infographics
  9. The Real Jane Jacobs: A Review of APA’s Reconsidering Jane Jacobs
  10. Finding My Northern Voice

Did you catch-all of these posts the first time around? If not, here’s chance to read what others have found most interesting over the past month.

Is your favorite post in this list? Let me know in the comments section.