Message to Motorists + Cyclists: Share the Road [Weekend Watch]

June 18th, 2011

Today, the World Naked Bike Ride is happening in Vancouver. The ride is meant—in part—to demonstrate the vulnerability of cyclists on the road.  This issue is becoming increasing important as the number of cyclists on our roads is increasing, along with a corresponding bikelash.

If the idea of riding naked to promote cycling is a bit too provocative for you, don’t worry. Vélo Québec has recently launched Partage la Route.This campaign aims to educate both motorists and cyclists on how to coexist peacefully and share the road while adopting safe habits. (The site is in French, but the video below is in English).

Both kinds of kind of public outreach is important, as there are still many motorists (and pedestrians) that are not used to dealing with cyclists.This means increased awareness AND understanding are required. I hope that other cycling organizations will keep on educating all of us on the importance of sharing the road through a variety of methods.