Five of the best articles and blog posts I’ve read over the past week.
- Curing Sprawlitis. How to fix fixing 50 years of urban sprawl. Provided a good overview of the policies that led us to our current situation, and recommendations only how to return to a more rational urban form. While the recommendations are directed at Lansing, MI, they will help to ‘cure’ any sprawling metropolis, including Phoenix.
- The Opposite May Be True. A short, but intriguing video of ‘opposites’ and how much cultural assumptions guide our underdatnding of the world, even though the opposite may also be just as true.
- Retail district types for creatives. An interesting discussion on the differing retail preferences of the ‘creative class’. Summary: more corner stores and neighborhood centers and less big boxes and regional centers (aka malls)
- What’s wrong with Dubai? An investigation into the design flaws that are plaguing Dubai. The key take away (that is also applicable to Phoenix): “All that Arab culture learned in a thousand years about adapting cities to great heat—high-ceilinged buildings along narrow streets which provide shade and short distances to walk outside—have been forgotten or ignored.”
- MacAlpine’s a Valley time machine. A fascinating historical review of a midtown Phoenix gem: MacAlpine’s Soda Fountain.