I’m a Winner!

April 5th, 2010
Image representing Arkayne as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase

I’ve been on a bit of a winning streak lately.  A couple of months ago I won a ‘stocked’ bar (i.e. 6 bottles of premium booze courtesy of Merc Bar), through a Scoop Factory contest.

More recently, I won a iPod touch through a competition hosted by Arkayne. a Scottsdale based internet marketing software company.  (I’ve previously posted about their WordPress plugin).

Earlier today I traveled to Arkayne’s Scottsdale offices (and yes it was a trip for this certified CenPho Phanatic 😉 ) to pick up my prize and have lunch with members of the Arkayne team.  It was great to meet the faces behind the great plug-in I’ve been using, and to hear about all the great products that they are developing to help local business, etc manage their online presence.  I look forward to showing the team around downtown Phoenix one day in return for their great hospitality.

if you are a blogger, and haven’t installed Arkyane yet, I strongly suggest you check it out.  And if you are a business, large or small, be sure to stay tuned for their exciting new products.

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