What are the roles and responsibilities of public markets in reconnecting communities and local economies?
Tag: public spaces
Article: PARK(ing) Day creates public-friendly space
Artibise said the event is a step in the right direction in getting people to rethink urban areas, especially in Downtown Phoenix.
From Car Spaces to People Places: PARK(ing) Day is returning to Phoenix
PARK(ing) Day is returning to downtown Phoenix on Friday, September 17th when we’ll transform curbside parking spots into temporary public parks.
The Magic is in the Mix: Rethinking Mixed-Use Urbanism
We need to start creating neighborhoods that build authentic places that are intimately related, interconnected and interdependent.
Downtown’s Missing Ingredient (Phxated.com)
It’s not much of a stretch to say that most of downtown Phoenix is owned or operated by commercial interests.
What is Placemaking?
Placemaking is “creating a sense of place and a place of sense”
10 Reasons Why Civic Space Park Doesn’t Work
Despite being a great place on paper, Civic Space Park has yet to live up to it’s promise as a great urban space for downtown Phoenix.
Friday 5: My favorite articles from the past week
An annotated list of five of the best articles and blog posts I’ve read over the past week.
Urban Breakfast – December 12
As part of my continuing quest to ‘activate’ downtown Phoenix, I want to invite you to my next THERE-apy event: The Urban Breakfast.
Recent Readings
These are some of the articles I’ve read that have got me thinking recently: