28 Day Recap

March 9th, 2010
Flickr image by dview.us

It’s over!  For the last 4 weeks, I’ve been part of the 28-day Blogging Challenge.  The challenge started with Scott Bishop’s pledge to blog 28 days in a row as a way to increase traffic and readers on his blog; soon Tyler Hurst sent a friendly challenge to Scott.  One by one, 35 other loggers signed on by agreeing to blog each day for 28 days straight, some made it, others dropped out.

I decided to join mainly to get back into the swing of blogging.  I had taken an extended hiatus over the holidays and needed a push to get me back into blogging.

Like any challenges, this one had its ups and downs.  Finding the time to blog day in and day out while the rest of my life went on a pace was difficult at times.  Coming up with some topics to write about, especially when time was scarce wasn’t always easy, but in the end, I definitely a step closer to meeting my goal of fining my ‘blogging voice.” While I wasn’t driven by metrics, I did notice that my most popular posts were those where I expressed a strong opinion on a topic, especially with regards to urban developments in Phoenix.

Now that the challenges is over, I will use the momentum to continue posting regularly, if not as often I’m going to aim for 3-4 solid posts a week.  I will focus more on posts about my opinions on what is going on in Phoenix and bringing important urbanism reviews to my reader’s attention.

Thanks for following along and I hope you stick with me!