Every boy grows up wanting to be a superhero. I decided to relive my childhood and create my own superheros based on my urbanist alter egos
Category: Personal Brand
Posts about who I am and what I do.
Google Presents: Yuri Artibise
Having a little fun with Google:
House for Sale in Central Phoenix
STUNNING mid-century modern ranch remodel in central Phoenix’s Melrose on 7th area
How I stack up on the ‘BBC’ Reading List
There is a meme (re)circulating around Facebook recently. It asks readers to look at a list of 100 books compiled by the BBC.
Creating Community in the Urban Desert
Those who pay close attention to my online presence may have noticed that my ‘tagline’ is “creating community in the urban desert.”
My New Blogging Phx-ation
Starting today, I have another blogging gig. Bill Wyman has asked me to join the PHXated team.
Urban Thinking
Some recent events in Phoenix have led me to delve a little bit deeper into the theories behind my interests in urbanism and place-making.
Jane Jacobs, Immigrant
Jane Jacobs on her experience moving to Canada, and some similarities to my own experiences
Welcome to My Neighborhood
This past winter I became president of the Grandview Neighborhood Association that represents about 1,200 residents in our diverse central Phoenix neighborhood
What is Placemaking?
Placemaking is “creating a sense of place and a place of sense”