Urban Etch a Sketch [Weekend Watch]

January 2nd, 2011

Grammy Award–winning rock band, OK Go, is perhaps best known for their low-budget but highly popular YouTube videos.  Their latest video has a special appeal to urbanists.  The band uses a GPS tracking system to spell out their name in a parade through the streets of Los Angeles.

This video documents the 8.5-mile parade the band and their fans took through Los Angeles using Range Rover’s “Pulse of the City” iPhone app to checkin and spell out the words “OK GO” with the route.  The band, in partnership with Range Rover, are inviting fans to download the app and make their own GPS map drawings to be featured in the next OK Go video.



Directed by OK Go
Produced by Shirley Moyers
Director of Photography: Starr Whitesides
Editor: Todd Sullivan